Welcome to the quick scan from ISO 20400

The quick scan gives you a global overview of how your organization stands regarding ​sustainable procurement. One step towards the ISO 20400 scan. It only takes a few minutes to complete the 11 questions.


The organization sees procurement as a strong tool that contributes to sustainable development and the achievement of the goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

Our organization manages sustainability risks and opportunities in its supply chains.

Our organization addresses negative sustainability effects in the supply chains with due diligence.

The responsibilities for CSR and SP are clear.

The sustainability goals and priorities for our organization and for procurement are compatible.

The culture of our organization has a stimulating effect and focuses on individuals and their needs for learning and development (knowledge, behavior, cooperation, support tools and advice) for carrying out SP.

Our organization has identified stakeholders (in-house, suppliers and other stakeholders), is aware of their interests in sustainability and involves them in the process.

When setting SP priorities, our organization examines all its suppliers and not only 'tier1' suppliers.

In addition to its sourcing strategy, our organization also applies a life cycle analysis (LCA).

When analyzing the needs of users, our organization always takes sustainability factors into account.

Our organization has created a contract management plan that includes sustainability goals and related KPIs.